About Beejek

Hello there! 👋
Welcome to Beejek Receipts 🌳
We are on a mission to replace every single paper receipt transaction from a retail shopping store with a digital receipt. Come join us!

What are Beejek Receipts?

Beejek is a web/mobile platform that allows merchants to send digital receipts to shopping customers. Customers can receive and store their beejek receipts on the customer app or through an SMS/WhatsApp.
This eliminates the need for paper receipts with shopping transactions. Beejek intends to provide an alternative sustainable choice to help with global warming and climate change.
Beejek Digital Receipts helps conscious customer choose Beejek instead of a paper receipt after retail shopping.
Beejek Digital Receipts helps conscious customer choose Beejek instead of a paper receipt after retail shopping.

Why are we running Beejek Receipts?

Most likely, every time a customer shops from your store, you send a receipt made out of paper.
However, 93% of people say that when they do need to use paper receipts, they’re usually already lost, faded, or binned, and 77% of receipts are thrown away unused.
This is causing EXTREME environmental hazards and every one of us is contributing to it
  • A single paper receipt emits around 2.5g of carbon during its lifetime - from production, to transport, to landfill
  • If we left the trees we use for receipts in the ground, they’d remove over 4,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from our environment every year
  • An average thermal receipt is estimated to contain at least 60micrograms of BPA per square cm
  • Estimated 56,000 receipts is one Tree
Every single paper receipt transacted digitally with Beejek DIgital Receipts can help save 2.5g of Carbon
Every single paper receipt transacted digitally with Beejek DIgital Receipts can help save 2.5g of Carbon
With Beejek, we are creating a collective sustainable solution. We are on a mission to help reverse climate change by replacing every single paper receipt with a Beejek receipt alternative. Beejek is primarily focused to help battle climate change with an alternate sustainable digital solution.

How is Beejek unique?

Beejek is a single platform for all shopping receipts. Whether you go shop in a pizza store, a bookstore, or buy yourself some great shoes, you get all your shopping receipts in a single Beejek application. Merchants can send Beejek receipts to any of their customers.
This is different from paper receipts or even the SMS/WhatsApp digital option. Beejek provides an organized interface for customers and merchants. With paper receipts, SMS, and email, there is still clutter in accessing a previously generated invoice. Beejek does all this with a click!